The Biological Mind, by Alan Jasanoff.

The Biological Mind

This book argues against “Cerebral Mystique”: the idea that the brain is a different kind of organ than any other in the body. Cerebral mystique emphasises free will, mind body duality, and leads some people to pay to freeze their brains after their death, in the hope that they will be reincarnated in the future when medial science allows. Jasanoff argues that our brains can only be understood as biological organs embedded in a living body, and that our mind and consciousness are embodied in our our whole bodies, and even our environment.

This book is very readable, and as well as promoting Alan Jasanoff’s ideas, it also provides a very accessible review of some elements of biopsychology and neuroscience, which will be interesting for anyone thinking of of applying to university for a course which emphasises these sides of Psychology.